• 2 component and one piece PCR plates
  • Breakable PCR plates
  • PCR accessories
  • PCR seals – adhesive and heat sealing
  • Heat Sealer
  • Microplates – Storage and assay plates
  • DNA Polymerases, mastermixes & kits
  • DNase I
  • RNaseOFF Ribonuclease Inhibitor
  • PCR Optimization kits
  • qPCR Mastermixes and kits
  • RT-PCR Kits and enzymes
  • First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
  • dNTP’s
  • Electrophoresis reagents
  • Ultra Pure Water (DNase and RNase- Free)
  • DEPC-Treated Water
  • RNA Save
  • RNase-ExitusPlus™
  • Oligos
  • ExiCycler96 Real-Time Machine
  • Exicycler 96 Real-Time Quantitative Thermal Block
  • Extra long PCR Kit
  • Pwo DNA Polyermase Kit
  • RNA Transcriptases
  • Quick Ligation kits
  • Recombinant Nucleases